Thursday 6 October 2011

Steve as CEO
With Steve Jobs' passing, we have lost one of the greatest technological innovators of our time.
Jobs wasn't just a savvy businessman, he was a visionary who made it his mission to humanize personal computing, rewriting the rules of user experience design, hardware design and software design. His actions reverberated across industry lines: He shook up the music business, dragged the wireless carriers into the boxing ring, changed the way software and hardware are sold and forever altered the language of computer interfaces. Along the way, he built Apple up into one of the most valuable corporations in the world.
Quite a run. He will be missed.
Apple I   

Apple I, 1976

Apple II

Apple II, 1977


Macintosh, 1984

Apple IIc

Apple IIc, 1984


Pixar, 1986


iMac, 1998


iPod, 2001


iTunes Store, 2003

Intel MacBook Pro

Intel MacBook Pro, 2006


iPhone, 2007

MacBook Air

MacBook Air, 2008


iPad, 2010

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